Rinder werden knapp, aber weiter großes Angebot in Osnabrück!
In den derzeit schwierigen Zeiten beim Kampf gegen die Blauzungenkrankheit bietet die Auktion der [...]
In den derzeit schwierigen Zeiten beim Kampf gegen die Blauzungenkrankheit bietet die Auktion der [...]
The OHG bull METRO, which comes from Bunge's S line, was able to clearly [...]
With this breeding value estimation, a rolling base adjustment was introduced. This means that [...]
This proof run in April 2024 was the last time the base adjustment of [...]
During the selection for the upcoming show on Saturday, 27th January 2024, have been [...]
When the Finder daughter Madison was sold to the Niemeyer/Bunge breeders association at the [...]
Just in time for the return of the summer days after weeks of rain, [...]
The aAa classification of the new OHG bulls - done by Jan Schilder and [...]
The popularity of our Red-Holstein daughter-tested sire ANDY-RED is undiminished. More than 100,000 conventional [...]
Meeting point for dairymen and breeders from all over the world Holstein Show with [...]