The aAa classification of the new OHG bulls — done by Jan Schilder and Marcel Verboom on the 4th July 2022 – achieved the following results:

быка Рег. № отец быка отец матери aAa
Sunset 266770 Superfly Gymnast 513462
Aristo 267160 Arrozo Gamechange 246315
Prime 267030 Proximo Hagar 315246
Candy 267171 Carenzo Chilton 315246
Hudson 267026 Huracan Huey 432561
Radius 266767 Radar Hagar 432156
Siena PP 266777 Simon P Hotspot P 432156
Basket PP 266949 Bachelor P Hotspot P 423651
Stream P 267165 Star P RDC Benz 423651
Paolo 266939 Palmer Hagar 423615
Asco-Red 266930 Atop-Red Anreli 342516
Pieter 267040 Pikachu Prosperous 342516
Fraser 267100 Fragant Sassafras 342156
Glarus 267161 Gladius Hothand 324156
Spot-Red P 267101 Sputnik RDC Match P 243615
Mike 267170 Migel Rafting 243165
Sketch 266940 Skelton Rafting 234165