It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257,  E-mail)

It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257,  E-mail)

It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257,  E-mail)

It is expected 350 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257,  E-mail)

It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257 or  E-mail)

It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257, E-mail)

It is expected 350 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257,  E-Mail)

It is expected 350 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257, E-mail)

It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257, E-mail)

It is expected 300 animals.

More information you will get through our catalogue, which you can sort for your wishes and needs (14 days before the auction-date). Please contact OHG (Tel:+49 5422 987-257,  E-mail)

Meeting point for dairymen and breeders from all over the world

Holstein Show with Individual Judging of the Osnabrueck Elite cows, Presentation of International Progeny Groups, Top Genetic Auction

9:30 Holstein Show
13:30 Presentation of daughter groups
14:15 Top Genetic Auction

Location: Halle Gartlage, Schlachthofstr. 48, 49074 Osnabrück

Informations, catalogues and hotel reservations through OHG by phone ++49 5422 987-224 or E-Mail.