With RZG 147 (which is +3 points higher than his last genomic value) MILTON starts as highest German newcomer in August 2019 and ranks immediately #2 of all German daughter proven Holsteins. With RZM 148 and RZE 126 (udder 131), he combines perfectly high production and tremendous conformation. His increase of 5 (!) points for feet & legs, type, longevity and RZhealth is really remarkable. Also in all other characteristics MILTON shows no weakness. Therefore he can be recommended for unrestricted use – especially due to his top sire fertility of NRR +4. Because MILTON is out of the heavily used bull dam Mabelle EX-90 from the Gr. Honebrink farm, one may also be very curious on the further breeding value development of her grandsons like the actually genomically used ROYCE, ROLLS and KENT.
With RZG 130 (which is even +6 points above his last genomic value) also TREND starts very positively as daughter proven sire. Outstanding is his conformation with RZE 132 (+5) and udder 134 (+6), which ranks him #6 of all German Holstein sires. Also because of his improvements in udder health (+8), longevity (+7) and milkability (+5), this Tribune son recommends himself for a strong re-use especially for cows. The ideal sloped, wide rumps offer best conditions for easy calvings of his daughters (RZKm 123). Also his values for daughter fertility, metabolic stability and hoof health are highly positive. Additionally TREND (A2/A2) offers many mating options due to his Bookem-/Planet-free pedigree. First daughters have already been presented with great success at the German Dairy Show in June 2019.
Besides to the new outstanding bulls MILTON & TREND, also the other OHG sires, which got daughter proven breeding values for the first time, confirm their values:
BG NIELS (Supershot) RZG 146 (gRZG 141) – RZM 143 (gRZM 136) – RZE 110 (gRZE 116)
CONSUL (Commander) RZG 134 (gRZG 135) – RZM 128 (gRZM 128) – RZE 126 (gRZE 129)
BG NICK PP (Style P) RZG 129 (gRZG 129) – RZM 132 (gRZM 129) – RZE 98 (gRZE 108)
BG NICK PP with RZG 129 ranks #1 of all German daughter proven PP Holsteins. The well-known bulls BOSS (RZG 136) & BOOM (RZG 135) could hold their high breeding value level as well as the young complete allrounder MADISON (RZG 135).
New Osnabrueck GeneScan bulls
The proof run in August 2019 led to remarkable rankings of OHG bulls not only in Germany, but also in EuroGenomic-countries. With gRZG 163 (+2), Superhero son SUPREM (A2/A2, BB) now ranks #3 on the German top list. This positive development is mainly due to the significant increase in udder quality, longevity and health. With “just” gRZG 155, but incredible high gRZE 140 (#3 in Germany), gRZN 133 and RZRobot 134, the calving ease sire and Roxy B son ROYCE offers by the way also easy calvings of his daughters with gRZKm 123. With gRZG 155 and enormous results for mortellaro resistence, RZrepro and lifetime production also the early Padawan son PADRE (A2/A2, aAa 351) comes into the spotlight.
With LUPO PP (gRZG 153), OHG owns the #1 German PP Holstein bull. This Red factor carrier is extremely complete in terms of milk production, components, conformation, management and health traits. This Lucky PP son is recommended also for robotic milking farms and should become a popular mating sire during the next months. With STICK PP (gRZG 147, A2/A2), OHG also owns the #2 German PP Holstein bull. The Starr P son has outstanding results like for hoof health, daughter fertility and mastitis resistance.
PERCEY-RED (A2/A2) ranks #2 of all German Red Holsteins with gRZG 157, with +69 kg protein ranks #3. Due to his tremendous breeding values for production (gRZM 150) and longevity (gRZN 127) this calving ease and health sire should be a specialist for high lifetime performance. ANDY-RED (A2/A2, aAa 513) will also reach high lifetime productions, because of his high components (#4 in Germany for gRZM). Due to his pedigree (Anreli x Rocky), his easy calvings, his top sire fertility (NRR +5) and his robustness (gRZmetabol 115), ANDY-RED is already heavily used. NOBEL-RED (A2/A2, aAa 435) ranks as German number 2 of all Red Holsteins with gRZN 135, number 4 with gRZR 120 and number 6 with gRZS 127. Additionally NOBEL-RED inherits excellent feet & legs (121), mastitis resistance (116) and should work well in robotic operations (RZRobot 131).
Internationally, OHG bulls are ranking outstanding as well. In France, ADLON P is one of the top 20 worldwide with ISU 210, followed by PADRE & PERCEY-RED. In the Netherlands, the top bulls are ROYCE with NVI 393, but also ESSEX RDC, SUPREM or LUPO PP RDC, in Scandinavia, the very new Benz son BERLIN (NTM 41) born in October and FELIX, ADLON P, SUPREM, STICK PP. In Poland ROYCE and ADLON P belong to the top with PF 153, in Spain BERLIN (ICO 5043), SUPREM, PADRE, ROYCE and ADLON P.
Sexed semen is actually available of the genomically tested bulls SUPREM, LUPO PP, ADLON P, FELIX, ESSEX, ROLLS, GYPSY, ANDY-RED, NOBEL-RED and the daughter proven BOSS.
For the «total offer» of Osnabrueck Holstein bulls, which you can sort also for your individual selection traits, please click here.
If you are interested in special bulls and quantities we will send you our price offer immediately. For questions, please contact us – best by Email.