The search for current polled bulls for widespread use quickly reaches its limits, as the selection of suitable sires is limited. Until you inevitably come across RAMBO PP in your search for bulls. This latest addition to the OHG program fulfils the unique combination in the PP segment of > 1000 kg milk with positive fat and protein percentages, 112 for milkability and best conformation values with 127 RZE and 124 in the udder. In addition, RAMBO PP transmits significantly more body depth and width and his overall positive fitness breeding values and good robot suitability (117 RZRobot) round off his profile. In addition to his complete breeding value profile, his unusual pedigree also speaks for his limitless mating possibilities. With Radar x My Dream P, his sire Rastor P offers a bloodline that is also not very common in the polled sector. On the dam’s side, there are initially two horned sires, the Charl son Pickachu and Gywer, before a polled bull, Mission P, appears in the pedigree in the third generation. He is therefore definitely an interesting outcross sire in the polled sector, as he has no connection to the Solitair P bloodline, which has dominated the polled breeding programs in recent years. He also offers the beta-casein variant A2A2. RAMBO PP will also be available as a sexed sire in the coming weeks and offers ideal requirements for carrying the polled gene into your herd. So what are you waiting for?